live to the fullest in the will of God

a letter

to a friend

Love is a beautiful thing

because it’s unconditional.

Everyone reacts to love differently

but one thing’s for sure...

if a person is willing to give his life up for you

that person definitely loves you


Now imagine a God doing that for you.

What religion offers such love and grace

without wanting anything in return?

None! For there is no one like Jesus Christ

He offers salvation and redemption

even when we were sinners and still are.


Before we were born He knew us.

He know our thoughts and desires

As fascinating this might be,

we still have the right to choose.

We have freedom in God

We are free of condemnation and bondages.


Many questions remain unanswered

and many mysteries remain undiscovered.

For men trust theirs over God’s ways.

Until we are willing to accept God’s answers

and open our hearts to accept things we don’t understand

the supernatural is beyond our understanding.

So the best is to get answers from above

Whom you place your trust in.


God loves a cheerful giver.

It's what that is in us, in our hearts, that matter.

What we think and do God knows it all.

People might judge from the appearance

or the way a thing is done

but God sees the inside.

He alone knows what all our future would be like.

The world's hope and future is in His hands.

We don't know what tomorrow holds for us,

but everything that is happening now

are all signs of the future.


In today's world, it is hard to judge

right from wrong, black from white,

for the devil is making things look

as if it is complicated and so dark;

that’s why the light of Christ must shine,

so that all human beings will see the truth

and walk in the light.

People fight against each other

because they've different point of view,

but who is searching for peace?

who is fighting for peace?


We don't have to choose or take sides in this world,

because the only thing that we need to know

and believe in is Jesus Christ.

Nothing else matters, because when we are so,

so very close to Jesus that

everything will be clear,

and we won't be puzzled anymore.


The world now is chaotic,

but in God's eyes, it's crystal clear.

Draw close to Him and He shall reveal His plans

and visions upon the nations.

Everyone of us are children of God.

He loves us dearly as He had paid a price

that no other religion would offer.

Treasure your time now

and live it to the fullest in God's will.


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